Five Questions With Artist Austin Eddy

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Austin Eddy is a Boston-born artist living and working in Brooklyn, New York.

After earning a BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2009, Austin started exhibited internationally.

Through the tools of abstraction and other historical painting languages, he breaks down qualitative aspects of painting and question the validity of “seriousness”. From his singular and personal experience, he deconstructs and synthesizes information, creating a hybridized personal painting vernacular. This process produces semi representational works that convey emotions and energies of situations and individuals. According to the artist, the paintings function most successfully when they extend beyond the surface and create a more harmonious and trans-formative visual experience.

Austin’s works includes a mixture of drawings, paintings and sculptures.

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How did you first get into painting?

I have been interested in art from the time I was rather young. I was always drawing. It was what one did to pass the time.  It was not until high school, I became really interested in painting. It was then I learned that painting was larger than just pictures of things right in front of you.  That was a real eye opener. It was like permission to do whatever with whatever. Something like that sort of open the flood gates of expression and possibility. I have been hooked ever since.

What was the first thing you ever made?

I think the first thing I remember ever making was a rudimentary drawing of a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

It was made up of a series of scribbles that took up the majority of the page, and roughly described the shape of a figure.

Can’t remember if it was drawn in a green or just in pencil. 

Where do you get your inspiration from?

The Majority of my inspiration comes from personal experience, emotions, and memories.

I am also very interested in various forms of folk art, and applied arts.

Most recently I have been extremely interested in the Quilts of Gees Bend, and the illustrations from Illuminated Manuscripts. 

What is one of your most defining moments in life?

I am not sure I have had the most defining moment yet, or yet able to realize what is has been at the tender age of 31. Or, maybe everyday provides numerous and important defining moments so narrowing it down to one would be quite hard.

What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I watch at least one Harry Potter movie almost every day.

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