Wyatt Oleff: "It's Cool To Be Uncool"
Most kids grow up thinking that they will eventually become superheroes, flying through the air to save civilians from burning buildings or band together with the Avengers to save the day - just like they do in the movies. Some are slightly more logical and dream about becoming zookeepers and builders, similar to the cartoons on Saturday mornings. Personally I had always envisioned on stumbling upon a dinosaur coin, to then eventually morph into the blue power ranger. It’s somewhat sad to admit but truth to be told I had kept this dream far longer than it should have lasted, unknowingly thinking that all this daydreaming may actually be a possibility.
Yet very few children will watch a program and not fall for the persuasion of colours and story telling. It certainly takes an early maturity to understand that those live actions characters on screen- are actually real life people performing. This sort of comprehension is more often or not gained in the later years of elementary school but in the case of Wyatt Oleff, this maturity came at the very young age of five years old. From then, with fascination ensued - it’s been guns blazing with auditions ever since and coincidently now, Oleff actually went on to be apart of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, turning every child’s dream into reality.
vintage shirt AGNES B, jacket Stylist’s Own, pants SAINT LAURENT
Back then, we all wanted to work at the Chill Grill with Raven and her friends or take wizarding lessons with the Russo kids on Disney- Oleff instead wanted to be Raven as well as one of the Russos. Generally speaking, for any creative spirit it takes a couple of years to gain momentum in the field and truth be told can take even longer to make money, let alone have any real impact in the industry. However Wyatt has yet again has defied the odds. At only sixteen, when every other teenager is presumably making plans on which cake they should have their landmark birthday, Wyatt is building an increasing portfolio of acclaimed roles and behind the scene projects.
From being a member of the Loser Club in the IT series to being cast as young Peter Quill in the Guardian of the Galaxy movies- Wyatt is slowing establishing himself as a name to be remembered; and with his latest Netflix project “I Am Not Okay with This” there’s no forgetting it.
Playing Stanley Barber in this original series, his character not only provides the whimsical relief that audience members desperately yearn for in a rather tense coming of age story - but also showcases a sincere and genuine side of adolescence. Too often are we provided with depictions of teenagers looking like muscular thirty years old, whom all have their licenses and are dealing with issues beyond their age- and so even though the show deals with some supernatural themes, it is so refreshing seeing a young individual be a young individual.
Stanley Barber is the free spirit teenager we have all come across. He pops up on screen strangely dressed, and although upon the first couple glances he does appear too peculiar to connect with- through the talent of Wyatt’s performance, you suddenly find yourself celebrating when the character sporadically enters a scene and hope that there is more storytelling to come. Rest assured though, there is undoubtedly more to come.
turtleneck COS, shirt SAINT LAURENT, blazer PAISLEY & GRAY
vintage shirt AGNES B, jacket Stylist’s Own
Sixteen years old is still considered to be fairly young when entering the entertainment industry- but you knew that you wanted to be an actor when you were only five years old. Could you tell us about how you came to this realisation from such an early age?
Wyatt Oleff: Honestly, I have no clue how. My mom just told me the story and I don’t really remember why I wanted to act at the age of five. One of my theories is that I just thought it looked fun, which would still be true today!
What do you like most about being in films and TV?
WO: Telling stories is super important to me, and getting to express those through my favourite type of medium really makes me enjoy it even more!
Currently you are starring in the acclaimed Netflix original series- “I’m not okay with this”- can you tell us about the show and the character you play?
WO: I Am Not Okay With This is the irreverent origin story of a girl named Sydney who goes through various trials and tribulations in her high school life, while also balancing her developing supernatural abilities. My character, Stanley Barber, is her weird neighbour who dresses and acts how he wants, no matter what anyone says. He’s a truly free spirit who cares deeply for Sydney. He’s “so uncool, that he is cool”.
What drew you to this role and what was the first impression you had after reading it for the first time?
WO: Well I don’t necessarily get to pick my roles, so everything that comes my way is less planned. But for me, Stanley Barber was just such an interesting character because of his unique attitude and interesting persona. He’s got such a wit and charm to him that is truly endearing.
You are also co-starring with many actors your age, including Sophia Lillis whom you have seeming become incredibly close to- how has it been filming the series?
WO: It was a blast to film with Sophia again, she’s incredible. I personally think that she’s one of the best actors my age, and being able to act alongside her in one on one scenes and that was truly an amazing experience.
What is your favourite part of not only the show as an audience member but also being apart of it?
WO: I guess just seeing the feedback of the show was a pretty nerve racking but rewarding experience in general. Knowing everything that happens and watching people’s reactions is also such a unique perspective that I thought was super interesting.
Aside from the world of entertainment, what has been on your mind lately? What changes do you wish to see in our society?
WO: I hope people can see the way the world is suffering and actually commit to orchestrating a change. I believe that some generations of the past have put the current generations in a unique position to change things for the better, and hopefully we jump on that.
Where do you see yourself in ten years time?
WO: Not sure, I like to live in the present and take the future as it comes to me.
jacket JET LAG
pants COS, boots KURT GEIGER
Words / QUADE AU
This PIBE online exclusive has been produced by:
Talent / Wyatt Oleff
Photography / G L Askew II
Styling / Kim Johnson
Grooming / Nicole Chew @Art Department using Oribe & Botnia Skincare